Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Rethinking Capital by Richard Dien Winfield

Rethinking Capital by Richard Dien Winfield

Rethinking Capital

Rethinking Capital by Richard Dien Winfield PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book develops a comprehensive systematic economic theory, conceiving how the dynamic of market relations generates an economy dominated by the competitive process of individual profit-seeking enterprises. The author shows how, contrary to classical political economy and contemporary economics, the theory of capital is an a priori normative account properly belonging to ethics. Exposing and overcoming the limits of the economic conceptions of Hegel and Marx, Rethinking Capital determines how the system of capitals shapes economic freedom, jeopardizing the very rights in whose exercise it consists. Winfield thereby provides the understanding required to guide the private and public interventions with which capitalism can be given a human face.  

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