Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Lena's Sleep Sheep (Going-To-Bed Books) by Anita Lobel

Lena's Sleep Sheep (Going-To-Bed Books) by Anita Lobel

Lena's Sleep Sheep (Going-To-Bed Books)

Lena's Sleep Sheep (Going-To-Bed Books) by Anita Lobel PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

After a hug and kiss from Mama and Papa, Lena is cozy in her bed and ready for her sleep sheep to help her fall asleep. But the sheep refuse to line up and be counted!

"We're sca-a-a-a-red!" the sheep baa together. "There's a round monster in the window, making faces at us. He looks hungry and ready for a sheep snack."

Lena's sheep are afraid of the full moon shining through her window. Can clever Lena help these silly sheep overcome their fears so that she can get a good night's sleep?

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